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5. Configuration of FPAC

FPAC is configured by only one file. This file is named "fpac.conf" and must be located in /etc/ax25 directory.

5.1 The fpac.conf configuration file

Here is an example of fpac.conf.

This file is made of keywords to which are given values or block of values. A block is always ended by a "end" keyword alone. Keywords are not case dependant, but values are often case dependant.

# FPAC configuration file

# Informations on the node

L2call    = F6FBB-10
L3call    = F6FBB-11
DNIC      = 2080
Address   = 931502
Coverage  = 931602 931202 931102
InetPort  = 1022
Password  = mypassword
City      = Roquettes
Locator   = JN03QL
UserPort  = *
DefPort   = 1

# Other commands

        BBs = /usr/sbin/call_tcp serveur 1022
        CLuster = connect f6krq-3 2080931501
        STat = /bin/cat /var/ax25/fpac/fpacstat.dat /var/ax25/fpac/
        CONVers = /usr/sbin/convers -l %u
                Telnet =

# Other SysOp commands

        DIsk = /bin/df -k
        RM   = /bin/rm /tmp/%1
        LS   = /bin/ls -l /tmp/%1
        CAT  = /bin/cat /tmp/%1
        YGET = /usr/sbin/yapp -u /tmp/%1
        YPUT = /usr/sbin/yapp -d /tmp/%1
        SYSop= /usr/sbin/fpacshell

# Other applications

        F6FBB-1 = /usr/sbin/call_tcp serveur 1022

# List of routes to port

AddPort = UHF
        Address = 931402
        Port = 5

AddPort = BEX
        Address = 931302
        Port = 0

# List of users on specific port

User = F6BEX
        Path = F6BEX
        Port = 2

# List of aliases

Alias = F6FBB-2
        Path = F6FBB-2,931501

Alias = F6FBB-3
        Path = F6KRQ-3,931501

# List of adjacent nodes

Node = Prat
        Path     = F5JTU-9
        DNIC     = 2080
        Address  = 909501
        Port     = 3

Node = Rebigue
        Path     = F6BEX-9
        DNIC     = 2080
        Address  = 931501
        Port     = 0

Node = Test
        Path     = F6FBB-9
        DNIC     = 2080
        Address  = 931503
        Port     = 5

# Routes to adjacent nodes

        DNIC = 2080

        1 = Rebigue
        2 = Rebigue
        3 = Rebigue
        4 = Rebigue
        5 = Rebigue
        6 = Rebigue
        7 = Prat
        8 = Rebigue

        909 = Prat

        909202 = Rebigue
        909502 = Rebigue

        931201 = Rebigue
        931501 = Rebigue

        931203 = Test
        931503 = Test

        911 = Prat
        930 = Prat
        934 = Prat
        946 = Rebigue
        965 = Rebigue
        966 = Prat
        981 = Rebigue
        981501 = Prat
        982 = Rebigue

5.2 Header information

All the keywords of the header are mandatory and must be defined.

# Informations on the node

L2call    = F6FBB-10
L3call    = F6FBB-11
DNIC      = 2080
Address   = 931502
Coverage  = 931602 931202 931102
InetPort  = 1022
Password  = mypassword
City      = Roquettes
Locator   = JN03QL
UserPort  = *
DefPort   = 1

5.3 Command section

The Command section adds or remove commands to/from the main menu. Think that these commands will be executed with the root priviledges, so avoid if possible destructive commands.

# Other commands

        BBs = /usr/sbin/call_tcp serveur 1022
        CLuster = connect f6krq-3 2080931501
        STat = /bin/cat /var/ax25/fpac/fpacstat.dat /var/ax25/fpac/
        CONVers = /usr/sbin/convers -l %u
                Telnet =

The Command section includes a list of keywords which will appear in the main menu of fpacnode. If no value is given to the keyword, this last one will be deleted from the default commands of the menu.

A keyword identical to an existing command will redefine it. So the previous default command will be replaced by the new one.

Upcase characters are the mandatory characters to be received for the command to be interpreted.

The value is a command which can be executed by LINUX. The user will be linked to this command, sending what he types and receiving the answers, until the commands ends. Then the user will go back to the fpacnode menu.

A special command is connect which sends a L2 or L3 connection. If a port is specified after "connect" then a L2 local connection will be issued. If no port is specified, a L3 NetRom connection will be done if the callsign is a known NetRom node or a L3 ROSE connection. In case of a L3 ROSE connection, if no address is specified (address is always 10 digits) then a route will be guessed (if the callisgn is known) from the FPAC white pages database.

5.4 Sysop section

The Sysop section adds extended commands to the main menu when the SYSop command has succeded. Generally, maintenance commands are added. Think that these commands will be executed with the root priviledges, so avoid if possible destructive commands. The SYSop command is redefined to allow running a LINUX shell via fpacshell.

# Other SysOp commands

        DIsk = /bin/df -k
        RM   = /bin/rm /tmp/%1
        LS   = /bin/ls -l /tmp/%1
        CAT  = /bin/cat /tmp/%1
        YGET = /usr/sbin/yapp -u /tmp/%1
        YPUT = /usr/sbin/yapp -d /tmp/%1
        SYSop= /usr/sbin/fpacshell

5.5 Application section

The Application section includes a list of lines. Each line associates a LINUX application to a callsign. So if the user connects the specified callsign, he will be linked to the LINUX program.

# Other applications

        F6FBB-1 = /usr/sbin/call_tcp serveur 1022

5.6 AddPort section

The AddPort section will hold one or more AddPort blocks. Each block will specify an address associated to a port. If a remote user connects anybody specifying this address, the connection will be issued to the corresponding port.

# List of routes to port

AddPort = UHF
        Address = 931402
        Port = 5

AddPort = BEX
        Address = 931302
        Port = 0

5.7 User section

The User section will hold one or more User blocks. Each block will specify a user associated to a port. If a remote user connects this callsign, the connection will be issued to the corresponding port.

# List of users on specific port

User = F6BEX
        Path = F6BEX
        Port = 2

5.8 Alias section

Alias section is similar to Application section, but maps a new connection to the requested callsign. For instance the user connection F6FBB-3 will be re-routed to F6KRQ-3 address 931501 (the default DNIC of the switch will be used).

The Alias section will hold one or more Alias blocks. Each block will specify one alias. Use as many blocks as needed in this section.

# List of aliases

Alias = F6FBB-2
        Path = F6FBB-2,931501

Alias = F6FBB-3
        Path = F6KRQ-3,931501

5.9 Node section

The Node section will hold one or more Node blocks. Each block will specify one adjacent switch. Use as many blocks as needed in this section.

# List of adjacent nodes

Node = Prat
        Path     = F5JTU-9
        DNIC     = 2080
        Address  = 909501
        Port     = 3
        NoWp     = 0

Node = Rebigue
        Path     = F6BEX-9
        DNIC     = 2080
        Address  = 931501
        Port     = 0

Node = Test
        Path     = F6FBB-9
        DNIC     = 2080
        Address  = 931503
        Port     = 5

Each block gets the name of the adjacent switch. This name will be used later in the routing section. Be aware of the letter case. Four keywords must be defined.

Do not forget to finish each block with a End line.

5.10 Routes section

This section holds only one block which defines the routing table.

Routing is made on hierarchical bases first with DNIC and then with the address from left to right.

# Routes to adjacent nodes

        DNIC = 2080

        1 = Rebigue
        2 = Rebigue
        3 = Rebigue
        4 = Rebigue
        5 = Rebigue
        6 = Rebigue
        7 = Prat
        8 = Rebigue

        909 = Prat

        909202 = Rebigue
        909502 = Rebigue

        931201 = Rebigue
        931501 = Rebigue

        931203 = Test
        931503 = Test

        911 = Prat
        930 = Prat
        934 = Prat
        946 = Rebigue
        965 = Rebigue
        966 = Prat
        981 = Rebigue
        981501 = Prat
        982 = Rebigue

A DNIC line will define that all the following lines will refer to this DNIC (country), until a new DNIC definition or the end of the block.

If the numerical information is smaller than 6 digits long, it means that all addresses starting with this numerical information will be routed to the corresponding switch.

The name of the switch is the one taken from the node section.

A longuest numerical information will have a highest priority. For instance :

        DNIC = 2080
        981 = Rebigue
        981501 = Prat

means that all addresses starting by 981 for the DNIC 2080 will be routed to Rebigue except 981501 which will be routed to Prat. The order is not important, the addresses are sorted in the routing algorithm.

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