This binary file holds the information on all active messages. This file is
very important and must not be edited or changed otherwise the list of the
messages could be lost. This file can only be opened for reading.

 It is organized with records, each record containing information on a
message. The first record of the file only contains the number of the last
message. Never modify this file while the BBS is running.

 Structure of one record (C language) :

 #define NBBBS 80
 #define NBMASK NBBBS/8

 typedef struct {

   char type         ;  /* 1   Type of message (A,B,P,T)       */
   char status       ;  /* 1   Status of message ($,A,F,K,N,Y) */
   long numero       ;  /* 4   Number of the message           */
   long taille       ;  /* 4   Size of message in characters   */
   long date         ;  /* 4   Date of message                 */
   char bbsf[7]      ;  /* 7   Adjacent BBS giving the message */
   char bbsv[41]     ;  /* 41  Route                           */
   char exped[7]     ;  /* 7   Destination of the message      */
   char desti[7]     ;  /* 7   To field                        */
   char bid[13]      ;  /* 13  BID or MID                      */
   char titre[61]    ;  /* 61  Title of message                */
   char free[16]     ;  /* 16  Reserved bytes                  */
   long datesd       ;  /* 4   Date of the message creation    */
   long datech       ;  /* 4   Date of last status change      */
   char fbbs[NBMASK] ;  /* 10  Mask of BBSes to forward to     */
   char forw[NBMASK] ;  /* 10  Mask of BBSes already forwarded */

} bullist            ;  /* 194 bytes = length of one record    */

 A null type of message (00 hex) invalidates the record.

 Dates are given as the number of seconds since january 1st, 1970 00:00.

 Masks are bit fields, number of bit corresponds to the number of the BBS in
the BBS.SYS file.

In C language, all strings are ended with a NULL (00 hex) character.

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