TPK115 By F1RZN (c) 1996

From: g0syb@gb7bmx.#17.Gbr.Eu
And : fc1rzn@gb7gur.#47.Gbr.Eu
To :TPK@eu

Hi to all TPK users...

if you're a remote sysop of your bbs,you'll probably want to use TPK
for remote sysopying...

Here is how to do it...

You must put your password string from the bbs passwd.Sys file into
a file on the remote sysop's pc (your pc if you're the remote sysop)
called passwd.TPK.
The passwd.Sys file on the fbb bbs looks like:
fr1TPK 12 1023 azertyuiopqsdfghjklm (and so on up to 255 characters)

(where fr1TPK is the callsign of the remote sysop and where 12 1023
are the privileges granted to the remote sysop (you) but you don't need
to worry about this)

The passwd.TPK file in TPK directory will look like this:

azertyuiopqsdfghjklm (and so on up to 255 characters)

Then put in config.TPK the connect path as follows:

br fz1bbs c fn0de^m^7att 240 cnx^mc fz1bbs^m^7att 240 >^m^7macro pass^m

then create a macro called pass in which you will put the following

sys^m^7att 180 password fz1bbs-0> rznkey^m^7att 180 >^m

rznkey can be replaced by anything you wish as long as it matches
the first line of passwd.TPK

to create this macro,type from TPK's main screen:
mem pass (then type the line above starting by sys)
(for some more info about macro commands,read TPK094 )

TPK connects to fz1bbs,waits 240 seconds for the prompt.
It then sends sys to the bbs.The bbs sends some random numbers from
the passwd.Sys file and then the fz1bbs-0> prompt.
TPK looks up the numbers and sends the corresponding letters back to
the bbs.
all beign well,the bbs should send back an ok and hey presto,you are a
remote sysop.
fz1bbs must be replaced by the callsign of your bbs and fn0de by the
callsign of the node you use to connect to your bbs...
..If you connect directly to your bbs ,the connect path should be:
br fz1bbs c fz1bbs^m^7att 240 >^m^7macro pass^m

I hope that this is clear to you.

I haven't tried it myself...So I hope it works...

original message from dave g0syb,adapted by chris fc1f1rzn

important !! :
read TPK097 for informations on cariage returns (^m) at the end of a
connect path.

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