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Protocole used to exchange data between server and clients

The communication between server and clients uses RS232 frames.

These frames are sent either by the server or a client.

The RS232 frame


Any other bytes are ignored until a new STX


This field is one byte long with the STX character (0x02)


This field is one byte long and is divided in two nibbles:


This field is one byte long and is divided in two nibbles:

The sequence number is incremented after sending a new frame. The sequence number counts from 1 to 15.
The sequence number 0 is only used once after start (for the first frame) and indicates a reset of the sender.

The sequence number is specific to the server and each client

The length of the payload may be 0 (no payload) to 15 bytes.


This field is one byte long. It gives the kind of command send to the destination address.


This field is from 0 to 15 bytes long. It holds the data corresponding to the command.
The data bytes are binary: each byte may hold any value from 0x00 to 0xff

The length of this field must match the length given in the SLN field.


This field is one byte long. It holds a checksum value of the frame.

The checksum is computed as follows:
Summing all bytes of the frame (excluding STX) will give a value of 0

ADD + SLN + CMD + PAY1 + ... + PAYn + CHK = 0

Connection of the clients to the server

All clients are chained in the same RS232 line (daisy chain):

|                  Addr=0                      |
| RS232TX          Server              RS232RX |
     v                                   ^
     |    ----->-----     ----->-----    |
     |   |           |   |           |   |
  -----------     -----------     -----------
 |  RX   TX  |   |  RX   TX  |   |  RX   TX  |
 |   Addr=1  |   |   Addr=2  |   |   Addr=3  |
  -----------     -----------     -----------

When a client receives a frame in its RX line, it has to analyse the ADD field:

Mandatory commands

All clients must answer to a ping request and to an ident request. These frames are used to know and identify the list of available clients in the daisy chain.

- Ping

The ping is CMD=1

Exemple of a ping frame sent by server (address=0, sequence=4) to 433MHz receiver (address=1):
02 01 41 01 C6 F7

Answer to the ping frame (sequence=15):
02 10 F1 01 C6 38

The payload includes 1 byte. The value of this byte is chosen by the sender and must be copied in the answer without any change

The checksum of the answer frame must be re-computed.

Note: The server sends a ping frame to itself to check the continuity of the RS232 loop. This ping frame will be relayed by each client up to the server.

- Ident

The ident is CMD=2

Exemple of an ident frame sent by server (address=0, sequence=5) to 433MHz receiver (address=1):
02 01 50 02 AD

Answer to the ident frame (sequence=1) with the string "RX V2":
02 10 15 02 52 58 20 56 32 87

There is no payload in the ident request.

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